
299 Audio Reviews

125 w/ Responses

lets break it down shall we?

now, i really liked this song, i really did. you guys did a fantastic job with it. though i did feel it wasn't entirely up to snuff to what it could be. not to say it was bad, i downloaded it and it will go on my ipod :) but a few things could have been different and/or better

let me give you some of my thoughts on whatcha have here:

LEADS - your lead is a very good strong point for this song, and the choice of instrument you used is superb, it fits perfectly! you get a double thumbs up from me for that lead alone :) one of the best lead's ive heard in a DNB song.

but, i did feel the way it slowly comes in at the beginning was a little off, it probably would have sounded better not to have the gradual transition and to just let it play. its not a bad transition but it could have been different.

BASS - Also well done, the bass fits in pretty well with everything else. i love the note placement too :P its not just a single bassline it changes a bit and thats a good thing.

PADS - I don't really hear many if any pads, pads make a song sound great, i think you could have added in a pad at 0:37 and let it play for that sequence. like maybe a choir.

i did hear a pad come in after that part though and it does sound pretty darn good :P

DRUMS - your kick was a little weak, the snare fits well as does the hi-hat. i might suggest turning up the kick volume a little. most good DNB songs tend to have easier to hear drum kicks that flow well.

MASTERING - Sounds great, good job on mastering it :) no sounds seem to stand out too much or too little, except the drum but only a little bit.

NAME - ok not really a category but i did feel your name "beyond control" was a bit off, doesn't sound like a fitting name for this song. you should try to think of the theme of the song and what it sounds like.

like for example, this makes me think of a futuristic race, so if i were to name it i would pick something like "race of the future" or something along that line, i think you get what im saying.

MOOD - Great mood for this song, relaxing, yet hyper. thats always a good thing, especially with a DNB song.

LENGTH - too short! D: i can definitely enjoy it as is but i would like to have enjoyed it a bit longer, you know what im saying? though the length is pretty good for a game if someone were to use it. you should consider uploading a 3-4 minute version. i would totally check that out :P

THINGS THAT WERE MISSING (no my caps lock isn't broken, it just turns on whenever it wants to, which happens to be when im picking a category :P)

i think that you could have added some stuff to this and it would possibly make the song sound a little better. this includes:

-bells - it would have sounded pretty awesome to add some bell sounds in at around 1:02. im not talking bells like what you would hear in a clock tower i mean like chimes or something along that line.

-Piano - a piano, for sure, adds flavor to most any song. though it might not work with the mood a piano might have sounded cool if you did some low notes at one or two spots or even a high note during that break at 1:00.

-some extra notes on the intro

this is something i noticed adds a cool little punch to an intro most of the time. when your intro is building up it would be cool to mix in some high and low notes right before the drums come in, or even like a violin or something.

anyway this review is reaching the end of the character limit so lets wrap things up :D

LEAD: well done! i like it alot and not much else i can say about it!


BASS: also well done and, once again, not much else i can say about it!


MASTERING: nothing seems to be too loud or too quiet, except for the aforementioned drum kick


LENGTH: i did feel it was a bit too short and cut off too fast, you should really consider re-uploading a longer length version


OVERALL: excellent song, i am downloading it and putting on my ipod, you also get a 5 and a favorite from me :D


you don't have to but if you don't mind could you review my song "BIT.TRIP part 2 - CORE"? i wanna hear what ppl think :)

Raven-Guard responds:

Dude... I really don't know where to start. Firstly, sorry for taking so long to answer. This is an alt account and admittedly I neglect to check if it gets any new reviews a lot of the time. Never expected a badass review like this, so thanks a million! :D.

Yeah I'll have to thank Decibel for the lead. It's actually made with FL Studio's 3xOsc VST and we added a few effects to it afterwards. The other sounds are random sounds I made with Sytrus, Vanguard, etc...

As for the beginning, maybe you're right about it. Probably if I add some of your ideas like the high notes to the intro it might make it a bit more interesting.

I agree with what you said about the kick. I'll probably tone it up a little and give it a bit more of a thump.

The bass is actually a simple sped-up house bass that Decibel made. Glad it works out!

Regarding the pads, I actually have the mentality that pads don't go well with DnB. The mastering was mostly done by me, since when Decibel sent it to me it was painfully loud :P.

I don't know about the name. Beyond Control was just something that came to me so that this song won't end up without a name. Maybe I'll think up something a bit more race-ish ^^.

Sorry for that length - couldn't think of any new melodies :P. And glad you like the mood!

I'll try out those bell sounds and see if I can fit the piano in :).

Thanks again for the really great review! I've got exams now so I might not review you back for a while, but I'll see if I find the time. Thanks for, like, the third time :D.


i really don't understand why people like this version of tetris so much...i love tetris but about this version...

first, sytrus was used quite a bit in this song, try to avoid doing that, it makes a song sound unprofessional when all you use is 1 VST throughout the whole thing, try mixing and matching to come up with something great. and along with that heres how i scored this song:

-bass: good choice with the bass, though it is a bit strong in some parts - 2/2

-lead: doesn't match well with the song and overall i just can't dig any of the lead instruments you used, most of the sounds just vaguely work with each other - 0/2

-drums: doesn't sound all that great, mostly because of the choice of kick and the snare (which sound very similar to Fruity loops presets) also the drums don't change at all (in both instruments and patterns) and thats a real downside to this piece - 1/2

Remix-ability: while most of the instruments and drums don't tend to mix well you did manage to mix things up a bit with how the melody on tetris sounds - 1/2

-overall: Doesn't sound all that great, mostly because of the presets, if this had more variety and better instruments then maybe i could like it more. 1/2



Parkerman1700 responds:

Hmmm. At least there are some people that simply don't like this song.
Also, wanna know why I used sytrus so much? Maybe because I made it in 2008. It's 2011.

Thank you for the comprehensive review, however, because a lot of people give a zero, and say stupid and incomprehensible things. Thanks for the review!


though when you have that break at 0:43 there needs to be a much faster high hat that comes in and a lead synth

pichuscute0 responds:

lol, i actually have in the most recent version where the hat slows down there. xD so ima have to see. anyways, thanks man ;D ima get work done on this now!


its very good, the piano is a really nice touch, though that instrament at the beginning needs to be either turned down or compressed/EQ'd, its just a little too high toned/loud. everything else is nice, i think you might want to turn up the drums though

aliaspharow responds:

Thanks. Feedback is very much appreciated.


not rlly my style (im not rlly into hip-hop) but im definatly feeling that bass kick. good job with that :P such is the advantage of noise cancelling earbuds

vwvSTATICvwv responds:

Hahaha thanks GANNNNNNN!!

love it!

the beginning has a nice old school kinda feel to it. i also notice you strayed away from falling along a set pace, if that makes any sense.

0:49 reminds me of pendulum.

good job with keeeping it varied, its not very reptitive :P

Hyperion666 responds:

yeh thats one key feature i like to do is change it up yeh some songs are good repeated but u know most people expect to be entertained not drag the story ur tellin out like crazy haha


this song is hilarious! you get 10 stars!

its 2 things

hilarious and an awesome tune!

not bad!

kinda relaxing, the bass and pads give it a nice atmosphere

vwvSTATICvwv responds:

Yeah, I also think ReCollect did a great job on the percussion/beat. Thanks Ganny ;)


first heard it on youtube and love it :)

great use of those bells, i love the pause with the main melody in the beginning and how it doesn't fade out with alot of reverb :P

Assios responds:

Thanks! Glad you liked it:)

Music for your Mind.

I am @ganon95


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