leave me a review on This song and i will gladly review you back.
you may be thinking to yourself 'why should I?' well, I don't usually write bad reviews so you can expect something more then just 'cool song/flash' or whatever.
I would prefur if you posted audio to review but ill review a flash if you want. if you don't have either ill review your art...if you don't have any of those then what the heck are you doing on newgrounds?
just reply here after you review including a link to your song/flash and ill hit you up with a review!
is that stamper in the corner i see :3?
anyways yeah man pretty damn good.
first i was in it for another review and thought why the hell not?
but then i realized how soothing and well made this remix of yours was and stayed for the whole 10 minutes.
was worth it more than simply chokeing a review from some random composer guy on newgrounds with a front page post.
was great to listen to and good luck on future tracks.
ganon95 (Updated )
i reviewed back anyways ;)