WHO GIVES A CRAP!?! seriously. they've been talking about this freaking wedding long before it has happened and now that its OVER they won't shut up about it.
'wedding dress wows'
'who is girl in the picture?'
'who cares?'
if you stayed up all night to watch it then guess what? you wasted your time, I doubt nobody has posted it on youtube, you can just as easily have watched it there the next morning. guess what I did last night? stayed up all night...not to watch the wedding. I did much more productive things like play video games.
im seriously sick of hearing about this wedding, how about have something else on the news?
its OVER! done! finished! ended! MOVE ON!
the only people who care about it are
1 - females
2 - nobody
also in other news, i have a new song out, take a look!
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /414975
As a brit, I agree with you.